Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sticky Situation

Have you ever wondered how honey is extracted? Ian and I were able to help our beekeeper mom with her honey extraction! The picture to the left is Ian holding a frame where the bees build the honeycomb.

This is a picture of the frames inside a super where honey is stored in the hive.

Using a capping knife the honeycomb is opened up and ready to be extracted.

Each frame is placed inside this extractor.

The extractor is spun until all honey is flung out of each frame.

There is all the honey!!

Yummy!! We extracted about 5 gallons of mesquite and primrose honey.

Killer Bee Honey
Kyle, TX

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. these pictures brought back memories! My grandfather was a bee keeper and as I was growing up, I helped with all of the aspects of the work. I remember he had a little honey house behind his garage where we processed all the honey. There was always that really sickly sweet smell all the time. I loved every minute of helping him. Thanks for the walk down memory lane!


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xo Shaws